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Ready-to-drink cocktail review: Slrrrp

Posted by Jaime Fowler on

Slrrrp premade jello shots review by The Pursuit of Cocktails

Pre-made Jello shots? 

It's official, I will do just about anything for you, cocktail lovers. I can not stand Jello, Jello shots, anything in that realm. It's a texture thing mixed with bad college memories and just no. No way. But...

When Slrrrp reached out to see if I wanted to try their line of pre-made "adult gelatin shots" I knew I had to suck it up (no pun intended 😆 ) and take one for the team here.

Slrrrp sent me 2 of their vodka variety packs - the original flavors and a mash-up. Each tub comes with 20 shots in it. Each shot is 13% alcohol which is pretty darn strong. I can see how these would be a super fun, boozy addition to a party, tailgate, day on the boat, etc. 

For this review I decided to take up the suggestion on the label freeze the shots. I thought that would help me get over the jello hurdle. Let's see if it worked.

Here is my official review of Slrrrp:

Original Flavors:

I started with the original flavors and I do think that freezing them is the way to go. I thought they might be a slushy consistency when frozen but they are actually still jello consistency but slightly thicker and obviously colder. I liked it personally.

Of the five flavors in the OG back Peach Bottom and Mango Unchained were the winners for me. I liked Blue Raspberry Smash and Strawberry Slammer okay. They didn't have that much of a flavor to me. But the Watermelon Guzzler was a no-go. For some reason the watermelon one had more of a vodka flavor to me.

Obviously, these are just my preferences. You might like totally different ones, but listed in my order of preference, here are the five flavors in the original flavors tub.

  1. Peach Bottom - WINNER
  2. Mango Unchained - RUNNER-UP
  3. Blue Raspberry Smash
  4. Strawberry Slammer
  5. Watermelon Guzzler 

Mash-Up Flavors:

After liking the OG Slrrrp shots more than I expected to I was excited to try the Mash-Up flavors.

Overall, this set of shots have more flavor than the OGs. For me, Strawberry Banana Hammock (I also just really love that punny name) was the winner and the White Cherry XOXO was the one I didn't like. It was too much like cough syrup for me.

In order of my favorites, here are the flavors in the Mash-Up pack:

  1. Strawberry Banana Hammock -WINNER
  2. Pineapple Pandemonium - RUNNER-UP
  3. Orange Vanilla Thrilla
  4. Grape Houdini
  5. White Cherry XOXO

Would I buy these again?

Okay, so obviously these are not serious cocktails - which is kind the point. You aren't going to leisurely sip a Slrrrp on your front pourch while watching the sunset, and that's okay. There is plenty of room in the cocktail world for all kinds of pre-made cocktails.

Slrrrp fits squarely in the fun, party crowd. A tub of these would be the perfect addition to a tailgate or beach day. When I first saw them I thought, "man, I'm too old for those" but really they are kind of a fun throw back and boozy enough to feel legit.

Slrrrp will probably not go into my normal rotation but I do have several friends that saw me post about these on social media and they are excited to try them so I'll for sure be taking them to my next pool party or beach day. But I'll be hiding all the Peach Bottom Slrrrps for myself. 😇

If you want to try Slrrrp and can't find them in your area, don't stress! You can order Slrrp's pre-made jello shots online.

Order Slrrp Alcohol-Infused Gelatin Shots here >>


Note: We hope you enjoy our reviews. If you do decide to purchase these cocktails online using the links provided we may collect a small share of the sale.
jello shots Ready-to-drink cocktail review

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  • Decent selection of flavors, but overall not very good with weak alcohol. Not only do they taste very poor, but this company mistreats minorities and exploits them for free labor…I’d stay away.

    Bat on
  • Great review, thank you so much!

    Claire on

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